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A wave on day CLII in Two Crowns.

Waves are groups of Greed monsters unleashed from a portal. They can be composed of a solo greedling; a mildly strong pack of assorted Greed; or even a seemingly never-ending stream of monsters.

With the exception of floaters, all Greed as a whole target the Monarch,and will destroy and plunder the obstacles in their path, until they get what they want: the Crown.

The Greed will always attack the Kingdom in waves.


There are five types of waves: nightly wave, Blood Moon, defense wave, counterattack wave, and final wave (only present in Kingdom: Classic).

They can be launched according to a schedule (timed waves), or triggered as a response to a Kingdoms' action. And they can storm against the Kingdom from only one side (one-sided waves), or from both sides. These characteristics are shown on the table below.

Wave type Launch cause Direction
Nightly time 2
Blood Moon time 1
Defense trigger 1
Counterattack trigger 1
Final trigger 2

Timed waves[]

Nightly waves and Blood Moons are timely launched to reach the Kingdom at midnight. So depending on the distance between the active portal launching the wave and the targeted outer wall, the timed wave can be released sooner or later.

If the portal is very close to the wall, the wave is released later, possibly even after the sunset.

If the portal is too far from the wall, the wave is released sooner, earlier in the afternoon.

The closer the portal, the later the wave is released. The farther the portal, the sooner the wave is released.

Implications and strategy[]

This distance directly influences on the amount of the daytime that stretch of land should be considered a dangerous zone. That can heavily impact the Monarch's daily activities on that area such as recharging statues in Classic and in New Lands, using teleporters, and recruiting people from vagrant camps.

So keeping a "good" distance between walls and portals is an important part of the challenge. They should be far enough from each other to allow archers to hunt, and close enough so timed waves do not spoil the entire area for half of the daytime. For that, Monarchs will have to deal with the random location of buildable spots, that make the "good" distance not always possible.

One-sided waves[]

Counterattack waves and Blood Moons concentrate their aggression on one side of the Kingdom.

Except for the counterattacks in Kingdom: Classic, these types of waves come from a random side. Any active portal may unleash the monsters. However there are a couple of tactics to predict where the assault is coming from. For Blood Moons, for example, players may use a scouting tactic.

Kingdom: New Lands Kingdom: New Lands & Kingdom Two Crowns Two Crowns – When a one-sided wave is released a rumbling sound can be heard all over the land. Dogs not only can hear it, but they recognize where the threat is coming from. After hearing it, they start staring and barking towards the direction the sound came from. By paying attention to this dogs' behavior, players may identify which side of the Kingdom is about to be attacked.

Aside from these tactics, there's only one way to know the side the wave is coming from: if all the portals on the other side have been destroyed. Otherwise, if there are active portals on both sides, a one-sided wave can come from any side.

Nightly wave[]

Every night, active portals send out a number of greed. As the Kingdom progresses, the attacks become more and more powerful, eventually including floaters as well as breeders. Every day at noon, portal activity shuffles to keep the Kingdom on its toes.

Defense wave[]

Attacking any Greed portal causes defense waves to emerge continuously until the portal is destroyed or the attackers are defeated.

Kingdom: Classic Kingdom: Classic & Kingdom: New Lands New Lands – The defense consists only of groups of handfuls of unmasked greedlings.

Kingdom Two Crowns Kingdom Two Crowns – The Greed steadily ramp up their defensive strength over time. Consequently, the Monarch will need to prepare stronger offensive armies over time by preparing and sending more attack squads which may be upgraded in various ways.

Counterattack wave[]

See Counterattack wave.

Blood Moon[]

See Blood Moon.


Date       Game Platf Version
2021-11-16 Kingdom Two Crowns All 1.1.12
BALANCE: Portal defense waves grow smoothly over time and become much more difficult sooner.